As independent agents committed to the best interest of our clients, we are going to help 20 million families to become financially independent through our products. We will also create the largest entrepreneurial leadership movement the world has ever seen.
Loyalty, Integrity, Leadership by example, Going the extra mile, Teamwork, Brotherhood & Sisterhood, Humility, Entrepreneurship, Initiative, and Discipline. We live by the 5 Fs: Faith, Family, Finance, Fitness, and Fun.
Our mission is "NO FAMILY LEFT BEHIND" We equip you to make more money, save more money, pay less taxes, get out of debt, and retire early. With a six-step approach, we create a customized plan for each client to build wealth, have financial protection, and create a legacy.
System stands for Save Yourself Time, Energy, and Money.
The way to attain time freedom and financial freedom is to leverage your time and efforts by building a team.
The most important families you'll help are your teammates. Besides, how do you tell someone to do something that you are not doing yourself?
You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. In this business, the more you do, the more you'll learn. Check the calendar above and be sure to participate in the upcoming training.
Your inventory in this system is people. Our mission is no family left behind. You must start in your own backyard. Make sure the families that are close to you are able to make it to the finish line as well.
Our goal is for you to become independent as soon as possible. Your trainer's job is to get you your first promotion in your first month in business. That means having 3 business partners, helping 3 families in your first 30 days (3-3-30), and making $1000.
Simple system isn't it? A recruit is not a recruit until they have a recruit and with every new recruit you follow the same process. Learn it, Teach it, Master it, and Duplicate it.